woman at sunset looking out to ocean

150 Inspirational Travel Quotes & Captions for the Avid Explorer

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Inspirational travel quotes help us to dream of places near and far, even when we aren’t travelling! Get inspired and feed your wanderlust with quotes for every traveller – family travel quotes, solo travel quotes, funny travel captions and more!

Best of all, we have put together a load of travel quote photos so you can share your favourites as well! Don’t forget to tag us!

The Best Travel Quotes For All Types Of Adventurers

I love an inspirational quote and sometimes a simple sentence or two can be all it takes for a complete mindset shift. Or, when times are tough, a favourite quote can help us reflect on better times or future adventures as well.

Quotes about travelling and travel captions are also perfect inspiration to get started with a new travel journal entry. For more ideas, check out these travel journal prompts.

You might also like these camping quotes, road trip quotes, family travel quotes and adventure quotes.

Check out this mammoth collection of travel quotes with 150 motivational quotes and funny travel captions to inspire your next journey:

Travel With Friends Quotes

Travelling with friends can be the ultimate way to strengthen a bond. It can also be a quick way to friendship break up! Plan your travel companions carefully so you can make wonderful memories together!

These wanderlust quotes about travel with friends are a great reminder to focus on the right things, rather than let the little things get in the way of adventure!

measured in friends quote.

1. “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” – Tim Cahill

2. “There is a whole world out there. Pack your backpack, your best friend and go.”

3. “There is an unspoken bond you create with the friends you travel with.” – Kristen Sarah

This is so very true. Travel can often be a series of misfortunate events when things don’t go to plan. And even when they do run smoothly, there is something that truly bonds you with your travel companions well after you get home. I love having those little reminders of fun places and moments with friends.

travel with friends quote.

4. “When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee”. – Helen Hayes

There is no doubt about it, travelling with friends (or family) comes with its own unique challenges. Adjusting to 24/7 with someone you previously adored for a few hours a week can certainly become frustrating at times. Patience and tolerance are indeed essential skills for travel with friends!

5. “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.” – Izaak Walton

6. “Everyone needs this friend that calls and says, “Get dressed, we’re going on an adventure.”

winnie the pooh quote.

7. “As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.”– Winnie The Pooh

8. “As with any journey, who you travel with is more important than the destination.”

9. “I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.” – Mark Twain

10. “Having a best friend is like having your own little corner of the world to escape to.”

I love this travel quote. Best friends can make the every day moments feel like mini adventures without having to leave home.

11. “A good friend listens to your adventures. Your best friend makes them with you.” 

12. “You can pack for every occasion, but a good friend will always be the best thing you could bring!” 

Family Travel Quotes

Travelling with kids is an adventure of its own and there are plenty of moments during family travel when you stop and wonder what you were thinking. But thankfully, there are many more rewarding moments that make family travel all worth it!

These travelling with family quotes reflect on some of those precious moments of travel with children.

we all smile in the same language.

13. “We all smile in the same language.”

14. “The greatest legacy we can leave our children is happy memories.” – Og Mandino.

This is such a powerful reminder not to get caught up in the material things we are providing our children, but instead to focus on bringing joy to their lives. It doesn’t take a lot of money to make happiness a part of every day! Happy memories are for every budget!

15. “If we experienced life through the eyes of a child, everything would be magical and extraordinary. Let our curiosity, adventure and wonder of life never end.” – Akiane Kramarik

Blessed are the curious quote.

16. “Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.” – Lovelle Drachman.

This travel quote reminds me of our youngest daughter who is always curious and always seeking new experiences… right from when she could barely walk and talk. That’s her in the photo above holding onto her big sister for reassurance as they test their toes in the waves. the next day, she was the one asking to go deeper and deeper into the ocean with her dad.

17. “When you travel with children you are giving something that can never be taken away: Experience, exposure and a way of life.” – Pamela Chandler

18. “Having kids is a reason to travel, never a reason to stop.” 

How true this is! Our goal with this travel blog has always been family travel made easier because having a family should be more reason to get out and experience the world. And kids learn so much more being immersed in the big wide world than they do in a classroom!

19. “Oh the places you’ll go.” – Dr Seuss

20. “Two of the greatest gifts we can give our children are roots and wings.” – Hodding Carter.

21. “I think that the best thing we can do for our children is to allow them to do things for themselves, allow them to be strong, allow them to experience life on their own terms, allow them to take the subway… let them be better people, let them believe more in themselves.” – JoyBell C.

22. “In fairy tales it’s always the children who have the fine adventures” – Audrey Niffenegger

23. “Travelling in the company of those we love is home in motion.” – Leigh Hunt.

This is a favourite travel quote of mine. Together will always feel like home, no matter where in the world you are.

24. “Home is people. Not a place.” – Robin Hobb

25. “Travel is rich with learning opportunities, and the ultimate souvenir is a broader perspective.” – Rick Steves

Encouraging children who are open-minded and accepting of unique differences is one of the powerful benefits of travelling with kids. Encourage their curiosity and love of diversity right from the beginning.

26. “The best education you will ever get is travelling. Nothing teaches you more than exploring the world and accumulating experiences.” – Mark Paterson

27. “In the end, kids won’t remember that fancy toy you bought them, they will remember the time you spent with them.” – Kevin Heath

28. “There are two kinds of travel: first class and with children.”– Robert Benchley

Short Travel Quotes

Short and sweet, these short travel quotes sum up wanderlust in just a few words. Short travel quotes make the perfect travel captions for sharing vacation photos, if you don’t quote know how to express in words what those moments mean.

work save travel repeat.

28. “Work, save, travel, repeat.”

29. “Once a year, go somewhere you’ve never been before.” – The Dalai Lama

This has always been a goal of ours to visit somewhere new each year. Some years that means exploring a new part of our own country here in Australia. But whenever we can, we try and visit a whole new country each year too!

30. “I’m in love with places I’ve never been to.”

31. “Jobs fill your pocket, adventures fill your soul.” ― Jaime Lyn Beatty

32. “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” 

33. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

travel is the healthiest addiction.

34. “Travel is the healthiest addiction.”

35. “I have not travelled everywhere, but it’s on my list.”

36. “Take only memories, leave only footprints.” – Chief Seattle.

37. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch

Nothing pushes you outside of your comfort zone faster than travelling somewhere new and unfamiliar. Especially if that somewhere new has a culture very unlike our own. And what a joyful experience it can be… once you let go of the fear!

38. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell

39. “Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” – Oscar Wilde

travel is never a matter of money but of courage.

40. “Travel is never a matter of money, but of courage.”

41. You don’t have to be rich to travel well. ” – Eugene Fodor

This travel quote is a great reminder that you can still see so much and do so many things on a tiny budget. It’s about how you approach those adventures and the perspective you take that will make you feel rich even on a shoestring budget! If you wait until you can afford your dream trip, you may never leave…

42. “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.” – Dr. Seuss

43. “A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” – John A. Shedd

44. “Collect moments, not things.” – Aarti Khurana

Travel souvenirs are fun in the same way that it might feel important to own a lot of valuable possessions at home, but when it comes down to it, it’s those memories we make while out experiencing the world near and far that are most valuable.

travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

45. “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

46. “To Travel is to Live.” – Hans Christian Andersen.

47. “Don’t listen to what they say. Go see.” – Chinese Proverb.

You could hear about that incredible city you’ve always dreamed of visiting over and over, watching travel videos and dreaming of being there, but nothing really compares to seeing it for the first time for yourself. Armchair travel helps keep the wanderlust in check, but it doesn’t compare to the real thing!

48. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

49. “Investment in travel is an investment in yourself.” – Matthew Karsten

I love this quote from Matt at Expert Vagabond. Through travel comes growth and learning, not just about the world but about yourself too. It helps you to build resilience and develop the ability to problem solve unique situations much better than staying home. Travel is a constant state of learning and growing.

travelling tends to magnify all human emotions.

50. “Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.” – Peter Hoeg

This photo always makes me smile. This is our eldest daughter back when we first visited Dubrovnik in Croatia. The excitement to be somewhere near is always high and her face just sums up how most of us feel when we travel.

51. “To travel is worth any cost or sacrifice.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

life is short and the world is wide.

52. “Life is short and the world is wide.” – Simon Raven

This is your reminder not to wait until the perfect time to see the world. You don’t want to look back and wish you’d seen more and done more.

53. “If you come to a fork in the road, take it.” – Yogi Berra

54. “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” – Jennifer Lee

Funny Travel Quotes

The best way to really enjoy travel is to go into it with a sense of humour, because things do go wrong. There is no way to avoid it. But if you can look back and see the funny side, it sure makes those less than pleasant moments easier to accept.

Plus laughter is the key to a long and happy life, or so I’m told! These funny travel quotes are sure to give you a giggle!

tested positive for travel bug.

55. “Tested positive for the travel bug.”

56. “My favourite childhood memory is my parents paying for my holidays.”

It really was a great time! We did not travel overseas when I was a child though. My parents were never big explorers, so I was 24 when I first went overseas. We did take a lot of road trips interstate and plenty of beach trips though!

57. “You know it’s time for a vacation when you start looking like the person on your driving license…”

58. “Going on a trip. Need about 5 outfits. I’ve packed 35 just to be safe.”

Usually I am an expert at packing light. I go for the travel capsule wardrobe as much as possible, for myself and the kids. In fact, it’s not unusual for us to take one suitcase between 4 of us for shorter trips, and usually no more than 2 suitcases for any trip. This may change when the girls are older and their clothes aren’t so compact though!

59. “You can’t make everyone happy. You are not a plane ticket.”

funny travel quote.

60. “A change in latitude would help my attitude.”

61. “I travel a lot, I hate having my life disrupted by routine.”

62. “Me: “I want to travel more”, the bank account: “Like, to the park?”

63. “I need a vacation so long, I forget all my passwords!”

Sometimes I can manage this without a vacation! But a long vacation sure would help!

64. “Work tip: Stand up. Stretch. Take a walk. Go to the airport. Get on a plane. Never return.”

travelling because therapy is expensive.

65. “Travelling because therapy is expensive.”

66. “There should be sympathy cards for having to go back to work after vacation.”

Love it! So true. There is nothing harder than going back to routine after you’ve been on an incredible adventure. I’m naturally not a routine person at the best of times… and am lucky to work from wherever.

67. “I need a 6 month vacation. Twice a year!”

68. “Can we just skip to the part of my life where I travel the world?”

adult after vacation.

69. “Being an adult after vacation is like trying to fold a fitted sheet.”

Does anyone really know how to fold a fitted sheet? This is not an adult skill I have mastered yet…

70. “I want someone to look at me the way I look at a travel brochure.”

71. “Sun of a beach that’s a nice sunset!”

72. “A plane ticket is the answer. Who cares what the question is.”

empty plane seat.

73. “True joy is scoring an empty plane seat beside you.”

74. “I have been to almost as many places as my luggage.”

We have been lucky on our travels, with very few travel disasters. There was only one trip where a bag went astray and that was our flight between Split and Budapest. We spent 4 days in Budapest without Simon’s suitcase, which had all of his clothes, our Baby Carrier and half of the kid’s clothes. Luckily I had the toiletries since it was the middle of summer. The suitcase was delivered to us the day we arrived in Gdansk in Poland.

75. “Airports: the only place where drinking at 8am is socially acceptable.”

76. “Don’t worry about the world ending today, it’s already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles M. Schulz”

77. “When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” – Susan Heller

travel quote airplane mode.

78. “When missing travel, I put my phone in airplane mode and sit in my most uncomfortable chair.”

79. “I travel a lot, I hate having my life disrupted by routine.” ~ Caskie Stinnett

80. “You’ve never felt true fear until your passport isn’t where you think you left it.”

And the other moment of fear is realising your passport is due to expire soon and you didn’t give a lot of time to get it renewed! We’ve cut it fine once or twice, but the passports are always kept in the same place. Unless they are still in the travel wallet… and then the panic kicks in!

81. “Have you ever stopped to think, maybe travel is addicted to me?”

funny quote about travel.

82. “Physically I’m Here. Mentally I’m by the resort pool ordering cocktails.”

83. “I love those days when my only decision is window or aisle.”

But in all seriousness… who chooses the aisle seat? Window for the win!

84. “I feel like most of my problems could be solved with a trip to … anywhere.”

85. “If anyone is Christmas shopping for me, I wear a size 7-day Caribbean cruise.”

Road Trip Quotes

Road trips are a unique type of travel that everyone should experience. There is something special about hitting the open road with family or friends… or solo, and making your way to your end destination.

Whether you are taking a short one day road trip or an extended driving vacation across states or countries, it’s important to stop and enjoy the scenery. The best part is the journey and these road trip quotes are a great reminder!

road trip quote.

 86. “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the trip.”

87. “No road is long with good company.” – Turkish proverb

88. “Always take the scenic route, you never know what adventures you will find.”

One of my favourite parts of taking a road trip are those moments where you see something cool along the way and stop to check it out. Sometimes you can make your best memories in the moments that weren’t planned…

89. “Map out your future – but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.” – Jon Bon Jovi

90. “Making memories one road trip at a time.”

Don’t forget your road trip playlist! We have one we prepared for you! There’s even a link to download it on Spotify so you can focus on getting that journey started sooner.

91. “I want to go on a road trip. Just you, and me. The highway, the radio, the blue sky, the back roads, and windows down. We’ll talk about everything and nothing. We’ll sing our hearts out, and we’ll make memories we’ll never forget. Just you and me.”

road trip quotes.

92. “Screw the map. Travel and get lost.”

93. “Roads were made for journeys, not destinations.” – Confucius

94. “A road trip is a way for the whole family to spend time together and annoy each other in interesting new places.” – Tom Lichtenheld

95. “Road trips aren’t measured by mile markers, but by moments.”

96. “Kilometres are shorter than miles. Save gas, take your next trip in kilometres.” – George Carlin

97. “What it takes to realise everything is fine around you? A road trip to the mountains where your soul dwells in the echoes of the winds that carry fragments of clouds with them. What it takes to realise the world is going back to chaos and infinite hurry? End of the aforementioned road trip.” – Crestless Wave

98. “Sometimes all you need is a good friend and a full tank of gas.”

99. “Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase

Do you have a wild road trip story? Share it in the comments below. We haven’t had anything too crazy happen but the crazy stuff sure does make it memorable!

100. “Road trips are the equivalent of human wings. Ask me to go on one, anywhere. We’ll stop in every small town and learn the history and stories, feel the ground and capture the spirit. Then we’ll turn it into our own story that will live inside our history to carry with us, always. Because stories are more important than things.” – Victoria Erickson

Inspirational Travel Quotes

Be inspired to explore the world beyond the travel guides, with a focus instead of who you become and how travelling the world can shape you. These inspirational travel the world quotes remind us to be open minded and open to new experiences.

They also remind us how important it is to get outside of our comfort zone. And there is no greater way to do this than going somewhere new and unfamiliar. Get a little uncomfortable in the big wide world!

best travel quotes.

101. “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

moon travel quote.

102. “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher

This is such a beautiful quote. I am absolutely grateful for the many places I’ve had the pleasure of seeing the moon rise in.

103. “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Andre Gide

funny travel quotes.

104. “Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.”

mark twain travel quote.

105. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

Yes! This is a motto I certainly live by! I don’t want a life of regret. I want a life of happy memories, wild moments and experiences that have shaped me out of my comfort zone… and I want the same thing for my kids. So long as that’s the path they choose for themselves too.

106. “A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent will go to pieces if he remains forever in the same place.” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

dream higher than the sky and wider than the ocean.

107. “Dream higher than the sky and deeper than the ocean.”

108. “To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

This is another beautiful inspirational travel quote that really does make you appreciate what seeing the world can bring into your life. I think this is my favourite part of family travel too, when we visit somewhere we went before kids and now get to see it through their eyes like it is brand new again!

there are a lot of stories out there waiting for you to live them.

109. “There are lots of stories out there, waiting for you to live them.”

110. “Travelling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.

111. “Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.”

112. “The use of travelling is to regulate imagination with reality, and instead of thinking of how things may be, see them as they are.” – Samuel Johnson

113. “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust

better to live 30 years full of adenture.

114. “Don’t ask for security. Ask for adventures. Better to live 30 years full of adventure than a 100 years safe.” – Jim Rohn

115. “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain

carry as little as possible travel quote.

116. “Carry as little as possible, but choose that little with care.” – Earl Shaffer

117. “At its best, travel should challenge our preconceptions and most cherished views, cause us to rethink our assumptions, shake us a bit, make us broader minded and more understanding.” – Arthur Frommer

A bit of a shake up is exactly what we all need sometimes. This world can be a crazy place and it is easy to become complacent. A broader mind will take us much further.

118. “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

view from the top.

119. “When everything feels like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.”

120. “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru

121. “What you’ve done becomes the judge of what you’re going to do – especially in other people’s minds. When you’re travelling, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.” – William Least Heat Moon

roots instead of feet.

122. “If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.” – Rachel Wolchin

123 “Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrate it for everything that it is.” – Mandy Hale

This means celebrating the little things too, instead of dwelling on the things that are out of our reach right now. With an appreciation for what we have, life becomes more abundant!

motivational travel quotes.

124. “You don’t choose the day you enter the world and you don’t choose the day you leave. It’s what you do in between that makes all the difference.”

125. “The more I travelled the more I realised that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine

What an important reminder! Fear can be a dangerous thing at times.

126. “Our happiest moments as tourists always seem to come when we stumble upon one thing while in pursuit of something else.” — Lawrence Block

127. For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

inspirational travel quotes.

128. “Nobody can discover the world for someone else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond we cease to be alone.”

129. “Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” – Ray Bradbury

travel photos quote.

130. “Travel photos are return tickets to memories past.”

131. “Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comforts of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things — air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky. All things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.” – Cesare Pavese

This travel caption reminds me of those moments when travelling when you are thinking “Hmm… I don’t know about this!”, but then everything turns out just fine. I still remember the complete and utter chaos of arriving in Punta Cana with 2 exhausted small kids in tow, finding our transfer not there and having to try and work out who was a trustworthy source to find a new transport to our hotel, with a hallway full of people trying to win our business. Oh boy… that was chaos!

132. “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert

sand between the toes.

134. “Sand between the toes to chase away the woes.”

135. “The best view comes after the hardest climb.”

136. “Maybe you had to leave in order to miss a place. Maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.” – Jodi Picoult

quote about travel.

137. “I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth, then I ask myself the same question.” – Harun Yahya

Couple Travelling Quotes

Travelling with a partner is a great test of any relationship, especially if it is a new relationship! These couple travelling quotes focus on shared journeys of love, no matter where in the world you are – together!

138. “Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” – Ernest Hemingway

139. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go further, go together.”– African proverb

This is such a romantic sentiment for travelling with a partner. Solo trips are great for growth, but there is something very special about the adventures you create with a loved one.

140. “It doesn’t matter where you’re going, it’s who you have beside you.”

together is our favourite place to be.

141. “Together is our favourite place to be.”

142. “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” – John Steinbeck

143. “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius

Solo Traveller Quotes

Solo travel is one of the ultimate ways to discover yourself, away from the expectations and demands of other people and commitments back home. These quotes about solo travel are a great way to reflect on the growth a solo trip can bring.

144. “The best trip is the journey you take in finding yourself.” – Angela Vallely

145. “You never really travel alone. The world is full of friends waiting to get to know you.”

I love this. Meeting new people on the road can be very memorable and sometimes they become lifelong friends. We love chatting to other travellers and hearing about where they are from and their perspective on where we are.

146. “Some journeys can be only traveled alone.”  Kein Poirot

147. “If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.” – Maxwell Maltz

148. “Traveling solo does not always mean you’re alone. Most often, you meet marvellous people along the way and make connections that last a lifetime.”  Jacqueline Boone

inspirational travel quote image.

149. “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” – Henry David Thoreau

150. “He travels fastest who travels alone.” – Proverb

Travel is the healthiest addiction wall print.

While you don’t need an inspirational travel quote to catch the travel bug, they can be great reminders for how we approach our travels and the diverse world around us. They can also inspire some of the best future adventures as well.


Here are some more resources you can visit to fuel the wanderlust for those future adventures. There’s no better time to start planning than today!

Did we miss your favourite inspirational quote about travel? There are so many more we could have included, so comment below with your favourite quotes!

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the best inspirational travel quotes and travel captions
the best inspirational travel quotes.